Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics (ANZJS)
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics is a refereed journal published by SSA and the New Zealand Statistical Association (NZSA) four times per year. Members of the Statistical Society receive the publication either in hard-copy or they can access it online. If you are a member of SSA click here to read the ANZJS. For submission instructions, subscription and all other information, please visit wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/anzs. Author guidelines can be found on the left of the page under “For Contributors”. If you are submitting a manuscript, please read the author guidelines carefully. When you are ready to submit a manuscript to ANZJS, please go to the website http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/anzjs and register if necessary. To complete submission, you will need to upload your pdf files to this site. The use of Manuscript Central to manage the submission and review process simplifies the process for authors, editors and reviewers. It provides automatic reminders to Associate Editors when a decision on a paper is due and permits all editors to better share tracking information. For those of you who are referees, it allows us to know who you are so we can thank you. The ANZJS editors work hard to achieve a short review time for submitted papers and currently papers are published soon after the completion of technical editing. The impact factor and the ranking based on it vary from year to year (see below) depending on the number of citations to papers published in ANZJS in the 2 year window. Given the sensitivity of these measures, the editors encourage authors to promote and reference their work, and readers to cite in their own work interesting, useful, relevant and important papers (published in any journal). Year: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Year: 2022 We encourage authors to submit manuscripts to ANZJS. We are particularly interested in sound theory and methods papers, application papers containing novel aspects (adapting and/or extending existing methods to solve a real-life problem), and papers on statistics in society and statistical history (particularly those related to Australia and/or New Zealand). We also publish book reviews in ANZJS. Editorial BoardEditor-in-Chief: Theory & Methods Editors: Applications Editor: Statistical Computing Editor: Hien Nguyen (University of QLD) Technical Editor: Technical Sub-Editors: Dr Luke Lloyd-Jones (CSIRO) Social Media Editor: |