Statistical Consulting Network
The Statistical Consulting Network (SCN) is a forum to support and advocate for statistical consultants, and to provide training and professional support opportunities. You can join our mailing list from the SSA website; just edit your membership profile and check the box. If you would like to join the committee, please contact either of the Co-chairs. Committee Co-chair: David Warton (UNSW) and Sue Finch (UMelb) Daniel Gerhard (UCanterbury) Marijka Batterham (UOW) Hwan-Jin Yoon (CSIRO) Our main event for 2020 was the Statistical Consulting Network 2020 Meeting, December 7-9 2020. This was a successful virtual event where statistical consultants could connect, present their ideas, discuss best practice, and more. In 2022, there will be meet-ups on the last Friday of the month. This will be a virtual lunchtime meeting (12:30-1:30 PM, AEST) where statisticians help each other out with problems that they aren’t sure how to deal with. We will start each meet-up in the common room for announcements, or occasionally a special topic discussion, then go to break-out rooms in smaller groups to discuss problems that attendees have brought along with them. Our first meeting in April 2022 was lively and productive. If you would like to join these regular meet-ups, join the Statistical Consulting Network under your Membership profile. You will get reminders about the meet-ups, and information about the Slack channel where they are held. |