Announcing a meeting of the Statistical Society of Australia, W.A. Branch.
6:00 p.m. on Tuesday 10th September 2019
Population Sampling a Mixed Method Study
Mr Matt Schneider
CEO of Optika Solutions
Optika Solutions is working with Water Corporation in transforming the way we think about urban water use in response to climate change and population growth challenges. H2OME incorporates the technology, data, and approach to determine how much water Perth should be using to preserve the liveability, amenity, and quality of life of the community.
The project aims to achieve this result through a multi-modal approach, using surveys, audits, and the installation of remote digital meters. Through a stratified sampling approach, with subpopulations grouped by region and household land size, the study guarantees representativeness across the Perth population to ensure the accuracy and applicability of these results.
The talk will be around the use of a stratified sampling approach, populations and techniques that we looked at in selecting the overall approach.
H2OME has already been recognized, having won the Data Insights Of The Year category of the 2019 iAwards.
Matt Schneider is a founder and CEO of Optika Solutions. Optika is at the forefront of the algorithmic economy. Matt’s interests embrace the application of technology to innovative ground breaking solutions across a wide range of domains such as finance, mining, energy and health. Matt has orchestrated a wide range of consulting engagements both within Australia and overseas. These engagement have had transformational outcomes for the customers and delivered significant Return on Investment (ROI).
Members and guests are invited to mingle over wine and cheese from 5:30 p.m. onwards in the Cheryl Praeger Lecture Theatre. Following the meeting you are invited to dine with the speaker at a nearby restaurant. Visitors are welcome.
The Cheryl Praeger Lecture Theatre is located on the ground floor of the Mathematics building at UWA. The entrance is on the outside of the building and next to the Blakers Lecture Theatre. Note that UWA maps has this as Maths Lecture Room 1. Map links: Google Maps (note this links to Blakers, next door to Cheryl Praeger LT), Open Street Maps (Mathematics building).
Parking is free on the UWA campus after 5pm.
For further information please contact the Branch Secretary, Rick Tankard, Murdoch University.
He can be reached by email at or by phone at (08) 9360 2820.