The past five years has witnessed the birth and growth of a number of cross-disciplinary data science centres and institutes across Australia, as universities (in particular) invest more time and resources into research and education in the data science space. But what exactly is the aim of such centres and institutes? And where does statistics, and the traditional model of a statistics department fit into this?
In this joint event between the Victoria and Canberra branches of the SSA, we have the pleasure of hearing from
Prof. Kerrie Mengersen - Director of QUT Centre for Data Science,
Prof. Eric Stone - Director of ANU Biological Data Science Institute, and
Prof. Joanna Batstone - Director of Monash Data Futures Institute.
They will share their views and visions for how such centres are organised and run. An open discussion panel will then follow where the audience can ask questions and contribute their own diverse viewpoints (of which we expect many!). Come join us to hear about the future of data science.
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