Dear Colleagues,
Invited Session proposal DEADLINE EXTENDED UNTIL March 1 !!
Call for Invited Paper Session Proposals for the IMS-APRM 2021 in Melbourne
Dear Colleagues:
The sixth Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (IMS-APRM), will take place in Melbourne, Australia from January 5 to January 8, 2021. It will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world.
The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics, probability, and data science presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications. The program will include:
• Plenary Lectures presented by world-renowned scientists in statistics and probability
• Distinguished Lectures delivered by leading specialists
• Invited Paper sessions
• Contributed talks and posters
The Scientific Program Committee will consider proposals for Invited Paper sessions. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please do so online by March 1, 2020 at
Each Invited Paper session will consist of four speakers and one chair, with each speaker having 25 minutes. The proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Program Committee on a competitive basis.
Please disseminate this announcement widely to your networks.
Aurore Delaigle and Howard Bondell
Co-chairs of the 6th IMS-APRM local organizing committee